要点:Ina Garten的Mac和奶酪食谱

要点:Ina Garten的Mac和奶酪食谱

本星期UPI报道盒装通心粉和奶酪的销售额在2007年增加了10%(故事通过耶洗别)。此外,“该国一半的孩子将在接下来的两周内的某个时候在通心粉和奶酪上盛宴。”哇!This news will be welcomed by my sister, whose favorite way to tease me about my efforts to buy organic and/or responsible groceries is to describe what she’ll feed her hypothetical nieces and nephews when they come to visit her someday—Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, Cheetos, doughnuts, soft drinks—and how much they’ll love her for it. She’s 27, the same age I was when I made a pot of Kraft Mac & Cheese on a lark and realized I had finally outgrown it. The blue box had served me well during my first few years in New York, but my experiments with homemade macaroni and cheese eventually robbed it of its appeal.

尽管我的年轻自我会在他们的硬皮上衣和苍白的室内皱起鼻子,但实际上,我可能会拒绝吃任何必须切成薄片而不是从橙色的锅里倒出的东西 - 我为此感到非常自豪我的贝加梅尔(Béchamel)结合的通心粉砂锅带有旋转的奶酪。所以去年秋天,当我妈妈为我们服务时,我被吹走了Ina Garten的通心粉和奶酪:这比我以前做过的好得多。该方法是相同的,但是Garten当然得到了正确的比例。(She also tops the whole thing with buttered breadcrumbs, which I had not tried but now love, and includes sliced tomatoes, which I do not—pure cheese, please.) It is, as far as I’m concerned, the perfect recipe for soothing, uncomplicated macaroni and cheese, and it had been sitting on my shelf all this time, neglected, untapped! Now I just have to see if I can get my future kids hooked on this before their aunt gets them hooked on the other thing.

  • 记住这一点通心粉和奶酪争议几年前?我妈妈和我仍然想知道朱莉娅·莫斯金(Julia Moskin)在想什么。外面有人讨厌她的方式吗?
  • 在使我准备离开纽约的事情清单上:通心粉和松露的奶酪
  • 我最喜欢关于卡夫通心粉和奶酪的故事(什么,你没有?)是加尔文·特里林(Calvin Trillin)他的描述是他如何将爱丽丝·格里吉亚诺·雷吉亚诺(Parmigiano Reggiano)抓到女儿的“卡夫晚餐”。
  • 屈服:6至8


  • 犹太盐
  • 植物油
  • 1磅肘通心粉或卡瓦塔皮
  • 1夸脱牛奶
  • 8汤匙无盐黄油,分裂
  • 1/2杯通用面粉
  • 12盎司Gruyère奶酪,磨碎(约4杯)
  • 8盎司额外的切达干酪,磨碎(2杯)
  • 1/2茶匙新鲜的黑胡椒粉
  • 1/2茶匙肉豆蔻
  • 1 1/2杯新鲜的白面包屑(由5片白面包制成,去除外壳)


  1. 1。


  2. 2。

    同时,将牛奶加热在一个小锅中,但不允许牛奶沸腾。将6大汤匙黄油融化在一个大(4夸脱)锅中,然后一次加入面粉。用低火煮2分钟,用搅拌搅拌。在热牛奶中搅拌,再煮一两分钟,直到变稠并光滑为止。放火,加入谷物,切达干酪,1汤匙盐胡椒粉和肉豆蔻。加入煮熟的通心粉并搅拌均匀。倒入3夸脱(9 x 13英寸)的烤盘中。

  3. 3。
